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Savannah Perez, ASCW

CA ACSW #121027

Savannah Perez, ASW

Supervised by Amy Gandin LMFT  #40831

I am an associate clinical social worker committed to lending a hand in addressing hardships together and coming to a better understanding of oneself. I am passionate about providing support to those experiencing depression, anxiety, intergenerational trauma, and PTSD by utilizing CBT, TF-CBT, and holistic approaches. I utilize holistic and client-centered methods of treatment to provide the client with the freedom to steer their conversations and progression without judgment.

I believe it is vital to display complete support and acceptance to truly enact genuineness and empathy to make the client fully comfortable with being vulnerable. I encourage clients to be open and trust that our therapeutic relationship has their best interests. Knowingly this is not an easy request but will develop naturally by talking through emotions and being honest with oneself. Life's ups and downs are inevitable, but it is my goal to guide you through difficulties that lead to an awareness of growth and empowerment. Treatment will be tailored to you as an individual considering you are one of a kind. I hope I leave you with a sense of peace and willingness to
continue your growth.

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We Want You to Know That

We Care About You and How You’re Really Doing

From anxiety and depression to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), we utilize holistic talk therapies and innovative treatments like eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR).